Monday, October 22, 2007

Up and at it.

Whew, being a rock star is hard work ... well, it looks like it when mommy and daddy play Guitar Hero!
Okay, Mom ... I'll wear this hat for you one last time before I outgrow it! Geez, are you happy now?
Yikes, my hair is the same color as Mommy's!
I wouldn't be smiling if those elephants were donkeys.

Papa brought me some pumpkins and these things just crack me uP. Hey Uncle Alan, how many of these would it take to equal your 1400 lb one?
It's been a long day. Eat, play, sleep, eat, play, sleep, eat, play, eat, play, and repeat.


Anonymous said...

Hi Grayson, Aren't thumbs awesome?!?! I see that Grandpa is getting you introduced to the fabulous world of pumpkins. Kelan says to tell you to ask daddy to cut one with a funny smile and put a candle inside. It is way cool, especially when they turn out the lights.............Love ya, Aunt Joan

Anonymous said...

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